Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Beginning

          Dear Reader, although I’m sure there aren’t many of you yet, this is the beginning. Let me commence by explaining what I am doing. Why am I writing this blog. Well, my mission statement, (sounds a little formal), my hope, when all’s said and done is to share my passion for baking. Attending a prep school as a boarding student, I was never able to take a “Home Economics” class like most high school students. Thus, when I was presented with the chance to “design a project of my own choosing that provides a positive, and meaningful, worthwhile experience that contributes to the participant’s total development” I knew I had to take advantage of this rare but once in a lifetime opportunity.
          From what I have come to learn, many people “hate” baking. They think it is tedious, overly concise and complicated. For all those reasons and more, baking is extremely enjoyable to me. I cannot turn down the challenge. The more complicated and unusual the dessert the more passionate and relaxed I become as I bake it. Baking takes me to another place, it allows me to forget all the stresses in life and focus on something I truly enjoy.

My mom and me taking a cooking class in Rome, Italy.
            I cannot say my love of baking just unexpectedly came to be, my Mom is the main reason I became so captivated by food. Although she is too humble and modest to admit it, my Mom is an astounding cook. She is constantly creating and experimenting with recipes both savory and sweet. I know I will always come home to a delicious and innovative meal. I am truly spoiled and for much of my life, I confess, I took her talent for granted. Better late than never, I always say. That said, I would like to dedicate this blog to my Mom, through the transitive property, without her this blog and my passion for food would not exist. So Mom, thank you for everything! 

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